In Poland, June 14th is marked by two significant observances

- Dziennikarza Obywatelskiego (Citizen Journalist Day): Observed since 2010, this day recognizes the contributions of citizen journalists who utilize digital platforms to share news and information, often focusing on local and community issues. It encourages active participation in civic engagement and promotes transparency and accountability.
- Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Niemieckich Nazistowskich Obozów Koncentracyjnych i Obozów Zagłady (National Day of Remembrance of the Victims of German Nazi Concentration Camps and Extermination Camps): This day commemorates the victims of the Nazi regime’s horrific crimes during World War II. It serves as a solemn reminder of the atrocities committed against millions of people and the importance of fighting against all forms of intolerance and discrimination.
While both observances hold immense importance, it’s crucial to recognize the somber nature of the National Day of Remembrance. It’s a day to honor the victims, reflect on the past, and work towards a future free from such atrocities.